Monday, 24 March 2014

National Conference at Jalandhar

National Conference on
“Role of ICT in Library Management”
jointly organised by
Library Professionals Association (LPA), New Delhi &
Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering, Jalandhar (Punjab)
APRIL 26, 2014 (Saturday)
Venue: Lyallpur Khalsa College of Engineering, Cantt. Road, Jalandhar (Punjab)

Papers will be considered on the above theme and sub-themes and related issues. Contributed
papers must be submitted electronically to the Conference Convenor Sh. Salek Chand on along with the copyright declaration form.

Important Dates:
The last date for submission of papers April 20, 2014.
Conference Date April 26, 2014
Registration Fees (Per Participant):
The registration fee will include conference KIT, meals, refreshment, snacks, etc. No TA/DA and
Accommodation is included.
General Participants Rs. 500/-
U.G. / P.G. Students only* Rs. 300/-
*Registration will be accepted on production of Student ID.

Address for Communication:
Mr. Salek Chand,
Conference Convenor
C/O Library & Information Officer,
Library and Resource Centre,
Election Commission of India,
Ashoka Road, New Delhi – 110 001.
Ph: 9868803377, 011 23052040: Fax 011 23052039

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